Alexei Borodin

Alexei Borodin (born June 25, 1975 in Donetsk, Russia) is a Professor of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1]



Before joining the Caltech faculty, he was a Clay Research Fellow and a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.[2]

His research concerns asymptotic representation theory, relations with random matrices and integrable systems, and the difference equation formulation of monodromy.[3] In 2010, he was one of four Caltech faculty invited to present their work at the International Congress of Mathematicians.[4]


Borodin graduated from Moscow State University in 1997 and received M.S.E. in computers and information science and Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania.[2][5]


In 2008, Borodin won the European Mathematical Society Prize, one of ten prizes awarded every four years for excellence by a young mathematics researcher.[3]


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